Virtually Unbreakable
We believe that the only way to have a fulfilling life is to stay true to who you really are. To us that means building self-confidence, self-worth and resilience as well as accepting yourself for who you are. Virtually Unbreakable Podcast is dedicated to empowering you to create an identity that serves you and helps you embrace you true self. We talk about building a positive self-image and confidence, becoming resilient, changing your beliefs, setting boundaries and improving your relationships to create a more exciting and happier future. We are happy to see you here! Follow us and join us on this exciting journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Podcasting since 2022 • 132 episodes
Virtually Unbreakable
Latest Episodes
How to Embrace Our Emotions ?
TOPICS IN THIS EPISODEHow to acknowledge, express & regulate emotions?How to use emotions as our feedback system? HELPFUL LINKSAbout the Host -

How to Use Your Mind to Serve You ?
TOPICS IN THIS EPISODEWhy most of us use our brains to our disadvantage? How can intentions and visualisations help us achieve what we want?HELPFUL LINKSAbout the H...
Episode 3

Does Your Mental Health Affect Your Kids?
TOPICS IN THIS EPISODEHow does our stress affect our children?How to best support the emotional development of children ?HELPFUL LINKSAbout the Host -
Episode 7